weight gain reasons

How to Lose Belly Fat Faster at Home? – 5 Expert Tips

Get the facts about how to lose belly fat for good.

Every one has stubborn areas for fat storage. It is seldom difficult to target a particular area in weight loss management. This difficulty level is much higher in the case of belly fat. Then how do you lose belly fat and keep it off forever?

Men are more likely to gain belly fat than the women. Naturally, men have a tendency to accumulate more fat around their waistline. Not just the biological factors, but other modern lifestyle habits such as eating out, sitting for long periods, and stress has an impact on the accumulation of fat.

Simple Ways to Lose Belly Fat Easily:

The relation between belly fat and health is unknown, however, the experts believe that people (be it either men or women) who accumulate fat around the waist are at higher risk of health problems than people who accumulate fat in other areas.

There are so many institutes and gyms where they promise you to get slim and trim Abs. But it costs you more in terms of health and wealth. Moreover, weight loss can be a long and hard journey. Here in this article, you will discover the best ways to lose belly fat faster without feeling deprived.

Though everyone says that the best way to lose belly fat faster is a strict diet plan combined with vigorous exercise, there are other parameters to consider. If you want to know how to lose belly fat faster at home then listen up.

Here’s what you need to know about the top 5 proven ways to lose belly fat at home (backed by scientific studies).

1. Belly Fat Exercises That Guarantee Results:

burpees to lose belly fat

Get a complete workout plan of at-home exercises. There is no need to worry about hectic crunches and abdominal exercises. You need to concentrate more on cardio exercises and workouts that involve the whole body. Yes, what you read is right. There is no use in doing hundreds of crunches every day.

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is a better way to target belly fat. Start doing the flat-belly moves (such as burpees and mountain climbers) that put an emphasis on total-body movements. You can also fix aerobic exercise and strength training in your routine.

When you don’t have time for a dedicated workout, you can even plan for a moderate-intensity cardio (walking, running, swimming, etc) for 30 minutes. For better results, you can mix both High-intensity interval training (HIIT) and low-intensity cardio exercises to lose belly fat at home in a month.

2. Eat Ab-Friendly Fat Burning Foods:

high protein foods to lose belly fat

Eat good carbohydrates. Your menu should not deprive carbohydrates. Instead, it should be filled with good carbohydrate stuff such as whole cereals, oats, brown bread etc. They do provide excellent energy and keep your tummy full for longer periods.

Power up with high-protein diet. Make sure that your meal is full of lean protein for effective weight management and muscle gain. Indirectly, it has a good effect on metabolic rate too.

Shunning fats completely is a bad practice. Fortunately, there are healthy foods (Fatty Fish, Medium-chain Triglycerides Oil, Coconut Oil, Coffee, Eggs, Nuts, Green Tea, Apple Cider Vinegar, Cayenne Pepper etc) that help you burn fat to fuel fitness journey.

It may sound crazy, but adding one fat-burning food to your daily diet may help you lose belly fat that’s linked to a higher risk of vascular disease.

3. Avoid Trans Fats and Refined Carbs but Eat Plenty of Fiber:

belly fat worst foods

You should strictly stay away from eating junk food items including ultra-refined and processed food products. Starting from kiddy biscuits and white bread to popular pasta, these junk food materials are loaded with cholesterol and trans fat. They not only counter weight loss but also affect the digestive mechanism.

At the same time, you should look out for the Glycemic Index. Ditch the foods that have a higher Glycemic Index and offset them with healthy and nutritious low-glycemic index foods. Incidentally, food items that are close to how they are found in nature will have a lower glycemic index load than processed foods.

Do remember that high-fat and high-sugar snacks are always very unhealthy. Added sugar taken in larger quantities might lead to belly fat and liver fat. Avoid soft drinks, sugary sodas, fruit juices and high-sugar sports drinks. Instead, eat a whole fruit.

4. Strengthen Your Core & Burn More Calories:

exercise with spouse

Burning more calories than your intake will help you to become slim and fit faster. This is nothing but increasing the intensity of physical activities. Start lifting weights (also known as or strength training or resistance training) under the guidance of a certified personal trainer specializing in weight loss management.

You can concentrate on simple ways that increase your physical participation. Why not walk with your spouse or friend, do some gardening, play with kids etc! This not only sheds extra weight but also improves your attachment with the near and dear ones.

5. Change Your Eating Habits & Lifestyle:

Eat in smaller quantities. I mean to say, you should eat 6 small meals (instead of 3 big meals) to maintain steady energy levels. Have a balanced diet rich in proteins, carbohydrates and of course fruits and vegetables. I would prefer to be a vegetarian rather than non-vegetarian. Best of all, it improves the metabolic rate of the body.

Wine or your waistline? According to the integrative medicine specialist Pamela M. Peeke, MD (author of The Hunger Fix), consuming alcohol decreases the fat burning process. Unless you change dietary habits and adopt a healthy lifestyle, you can’t afford to lose belly fat at home.

change lifestyle No Alcohol

Know the Correct Combination to Lose Belly Fat Faster:

When you burn fat for energy, you lose fat from the whole body, not from a particular area. Spot reduction exercises and starvation diet plan doesn’t work to lose fat faster from the belly. The stomach is a most stubborn and exercise resistant area where it is difficult to lose more fat.

Apart from doing hundreds of abdominal crunches and side crunches, one should concentrate on the whole body strengthening exercises such as cardiovascular and aerobic exercises. It not only helps you to strengthen muscles but also increase metabolic rate and helps you to lose belly fat.

Never try to follow fad and starvation diets. They simply starve you on low-quality foods. In reality, you need nutrient-rich foods that are low in complex carbohydrates and high in proteins to burn fat from the belly.

Moreover, you can’t rely on low-calorie food for longer periods. Finally, you end up taking large quantities of food when you stop their diet plans.

There are no magic solutions. The only secret to lose belly fat faster is a correct combination of proper diet, exercise and weight training.

Fitness Plan to lose belly fat

Now Over to You:

Some health studies have revealed that both men and women who are under stress are more likely to develop the fat belly. Reducing fat belly is a quite difficult task; however, you can achieve it safely by following the best diet plan combined with aerobic exercise and resistance training.

Spot reduction, which is removing of fat from a particular part of the body, is not possible. The best way to lose belly fat is to reduce whole body fat by exercise and a good diet. You may not notice any big change in the first week but it will definitely help you out to get rid of belly fat gradually.

Get the internet’s best resource and fool’s proof guide to make it in full length – The Fat Decimator System easily.

Lose belly fat with the fat decimator system
Image Credit: Jacob Ammentorp Lund/iStock, GeorgeRudy/BigStock, alideck photography via Flickr Creative Commons
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