rheumatoid arthritis lifestyle

Simple Tips for Living With Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid Arthritis, You can come out of it!

Rheumatoid Arthritis like many rheumatic disorders is a lifelong condition. There are many things you can do to help maintain a healthy lifestyle. When you are diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis, your family and friends may not know the best ways to help you.

The best thing that you can do is help others understand this condition.

Early Diagnosis Effective Treatment:

Because Rheumatoid Arthritis gets worse over time, it is important to be diagnosed as early as possible and begin a treatment that can help stop the progression of joint damage.

Research suggests this is the most effective way to fight against Rheumatoid Arthritis.

If you have Rheumatoid Arthritis symptoms, do not delay seeing your doctor. Evidence suggests that early treatment can greatly affect the long-term course of the disease.

When you know more, you can do more and get diagnosed early could be one of the most important things you can do. Check if you experience any of these symptoms, then you need to talk to your doctor.

Symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis:

  1. Joint pain with warmth and swelling, especially in the small joints of the hands, wrists, and feet.
  2. Pain in more that one joint at the same time
  3. Fatigue
  4. Morning stiffness that lasts an hour or more
  5. Limited movements or function of joints
  6. Painless lumps under the skin around your elbows and hands
  7. Low-grade fever
  8. Weakness

Simple Tips to Deal with Rheumatoid Arthritis

1. Watch Your Weight:

Obesity worsens rheumatoid arthritis. Make sure that you do not add any extra weight to your condition. Extra weight can put added stress on your hips and knees, so ask your doctor if a weight loss program is appropriate.

Rheumatoid Arthritis exercises

2. Exercise Regularly:

There may be many exercises but only a few help you out. Joint-friendly physical activities that improve your range of motion, strength, and endurance may be helpful. Talk with your doctor or physical therapist to determine which exercises are right for you.

3. Get Organized:

Arthritis Morning Routine

Do not run for every minute thing. Organize your work or home so items you use frequently are easily accessible.

4. Dress for Success & Comfort:

There are easy dressing techniques and simple things you can do when you get stressed to help minimize the strain on your joints.

  1. Put your clothes out the night before when your joints are not as stiff.
  2. Pre-tie your neckties and leave it tied. Your hands will not have to work so hard.
  3. Wear loose-fitting clothing with large openings so you can easily slip garments on and off.
  4. Choose comfortable, easy to fasten shoes that reduce or eliminate pressure on the foot.

pain free travel

5. Think Ahead When Traveling:

With a little research and proper planning, you can make travelling as pain-free as possible. Here are some simple tips to consider when traveling:

  1. Make reservations early to ensure that your needs will be met.
  2. Keep medications and other important items in a light carry-on bag. Remember to observe recommended storage conditions.
  3. Take advantage of preboarding for your flight to minimize the inconvenience of boarding.
  4. Pack lightly and use lightweight luggage on wheels.

6. Have A Positive Attitude:

A good attitude can improve your ability to function mentally and physically. Tell your doctor if your Rheumatic Arthritis is affecting you emotionally. Your doctor may suggest ways to help you deal with these feelings.

rheumatic arthritis help

7. Rheumatoid Arthritis Link With Osteoporosis:

Osteoporosis or loss of bone density is commonly regarded as a natural part of ageing. Mineral depletion causes bones to turn thin and porous over time making them brittle and prone to fractures. Specific bones that are the most commonly and worst affected are those in the spinal column, hips, pelvis, and ribs.

For hormonal reasons, more women than men suffer from this disorder. At least 25 percent of all post-menopausal women has some form or another of it. The causes are:

  1. Sudden decrease in the levels of the female hormone estrogen post-menopause
  2. Lack of dietary calcium in the food
  3. Ovary removal via hysterectomy or Cushing’s syndrome
  4. Physical inactivity or prolonged use of corticosteroid medications

Moving Forward with Rheumatoid Arthritis:

While living with rheumatic arthritis is not easy, you should not lose your optimism about the future. You should realize that by knowing more about your condition and treatment, you may be able to enjoy your life more fully.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Here are some tips to help you explain what you are going through:

  1. Learn about rheumatoid arthritis. The more you know about rheumatic arthritis, the better you can explain it.
  2. Be direct. Tell your friends and family what you need.
  3. Try to call a friend or family member regularly. Keeping in touch will allow you to discuss how your rheumatoid arthritis is affecting you.
  4. Teach your friends and family about RA. Give them time and resources to learn about rheumatoid arthritis. You can even recommend websites you have found that provide easy to understand information.
  5. Tell your family and friends that the pain or stiffness you are experiencing can vary. Ask for their understanding if you need to change or postpone activities together.
  6. When you get together with your friends and family, plan activities that you can participate in.
  7. Talk openly with your partner. Expressing your true feelings will keep your relationship healthy and also allow your partner to help you.
  8. Laugh! Laughter has been shown to relieve pain. It has been proved that laughter also helps to boost your immune system.

There are many alternative treatments for rheumatic arthritis and osteoporosis. Homoeopathy will not reverse existing bone loss but can bring the body into better balance towards the efficient use of minerals and nutrients. But natural remedies can relieve aching bones and prevent or heal fractures.

What do you think?

It is not enough just to cope with the condition. By taking action, setting goals, working with your health care team, and maintaining a positive attitude, you may be able to fight back against rheumatoid arthritis.

Here’s the best resource to treat Rheumatoid Arthritis naturally – The Arthritis Step By Step Strategy by Shelly Manning.

Arthritis Step By Step Strategy
Image Credit: arthritis.org, David Pereiras/shutterstock, niams.nih.gov
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