Epilepsy Treatment – Is Surgery A Treatment Option For Epilepsy?

Epilepsy Treatment, Considering surgery as the option?

Epilepsy is one of the most common neurological problems in every part of the world affecting more than 1 per cent of a population. It can affect anyone. There is no such criterion that epilepsy should be with a certain age group or social class only.

If you consider the history of epilepsy, it is known to be prevalent for more than 4000 years. Due to that, there are many myths and misapprehensions in connection to epilepsy.

Despite many significant developments in the treatment of epilepsy, today’s society treats the sufferer as an evil.

Epilepsy Treatment – Is Surgery A Treatment Option For Epilepsy?

Nearly one-third of patients with new-onset epilepsy will continue to have disabling seizures despite optimal therapy with antiepileptic medications.

Continued seizures and high doses of medication impose costs on all areas of a person’s life – intellectual, psychological, social and educational.

A proportion of such patients can be made seizure-free if the epileptogenic focus can be localized and respected without significant side effects.

This successful outcome of epilepsy of epilepsy surgery is dependent on correct patient selection. This process of selection requires specialized tests and decision making that is undertaken only in a few tertiary care hospitals.

The tests include a high-quality MRI and a video EEG telemetry test.

Epilepsy surgery, in general, is grossly underutilized all over the world, especially in resource-poor countries. More recently, surgery is performed, the better the outcome. Surgery is now being performed, the better the outcome.

Surgery is now being performed on some patients whose seizures have been uncontrolled for only 1 or 2 years.

Psychological Management:

There are baseless myths stating that epilepsy remains for life and thus it affects the whole life of the sufferer. In reality, it is not TRUE. Proper management followed by good care will do wonders for the epileptic patients.

They can do all sort of work as you and I can. Just relieve stress and educate them.

What do you think?

If you can build up self-confidence they will be able to lead a good healthy life. By following a good lifestyle, epilepsy can be brought under control.

Just give them proper food and ample sleep followed by taking medicines. Within no time, they would be normal citizens.

epilepsy treatment non-surgical
Image Credit: Image Credit: Tropical Health & Education Trust via Flickr Creative Commons
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